Monday, June 23, 2008

New Record

WNBA News:
Parker Dunks
Photo by: Gus Ruelas, AP

I wish she would have done it when I was there, but I'll take it. That makes her the second woman to dunk in the WNBA. Her teammate, Lisa Leslie, was the first.

In other news:

When I first started getting back into fitness and all things healthy, I decided to buy a pedometer. On days where I don't work out in the morning (read weekends) I try to get my 10,000 steps. On the rest of the days I wear it more out of curiosity than an attempt to log steps.

A month or so ago I racked up over 14,000 steps when I went to the city shopping and wondering around one day.

Saturday I walked an unbelievable 20,727 steps! I would say about 2-3,000 of the steps came from "dancing" around at the concert I attended, but the rest were from walking. Craziness!


Anonymous said...

over 20k steps---that is awesome! The best part is that you didn't even realize how active you were! I love my pedometer too, especially on days where the number is much higher than expected.

WeightingGame said...

yay for women dunking! That's great news - so glad I stopped by and found out b/c you know that ain't making mainstream news anytime soon...

plasticcalifornia said...

Glad I could help, It is pretty much all women all the time around here ;)

Anonymous said...

20,727 steps? wow! Great job!